viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

During the riot in Los Angeles, army and police had to work together to contain spoilers, with their different strategies. A thief had entered a shop and was quietly stealing, someone called the police and an officer went without getting close to the store because he shot the inside, so I called for reinforcements. Overall, they sent a squad of marines.
The police prepare for a race to the door and told his colleagues "cover me". ("cover me" in the original). The problem is that this verb is not the same for police for the Marines, the police wanted to say that would merely point to the threat, and shoot if anything happened. But the Marines understand that they must mow the store to not pass anything.
Well, when the police told them to cease fire, the Marines had 178 empty magazines, said quickly. Meanwhile, the chorizo ​​had used the store's phone to call police and say that surrender.

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